Seven Foods To Boost Your Nutrition & Maximize Performance


Modern science has proved that we are what we eat. There’s no getting around that. If you want to live a healthier life and maximize your exercise program’s potential, you’ll want to pick nutritious foods. You don’t have to overhaul your diet suddenly. You can start slowly by introducing nutritious foods one by one.

Food provides vitamins and minerals to help your body run at its full capacity. A good exercise plan without proper nutrition isn’t going to offer you the full benefit it could. Diet and nutrition are critical if you want to be healthier and achieve better exercise performance.

Here are some foods to boost your energy and fuel your body:


Mushrooms are an under-appreciated food which should be a staple in your diet. They are rich in vitamin D (a key nutrient not commonly obtain through foods), B12, fiber, and protein.


For a healthy body that includes a healthy gut, eat Kefir, a fermented dairy beverage. It can improve digestion and gut bacteria, reduce inflammation, and improve insulin sensitivity.


The breakfast of champions is oatmeal. A bowl of oatmeal – add a veggie smoothie for extra nutrients – will kick off your day and workout with a healthy punch! We also know that eating whole grains like oatmeal can help ward off certain cancers.


Carbohydrates get a bad rap, but they can help improve your athletic performance. Add potatoes, rice, or pasta (alternatives) as staples. If possible, eat brown or basmati rice or sweet potatoes.


You’re probably eating more eggs than you realize through foods such as bread and pasta. But being more mindful of your egg consumption can be good for you. While long-associated with higher cholesterol, we now know that elevated cholesterol is a complex issue often caused by several factors. Eaten in moderation, eggs are good for the body. Whenever possible, buy organic or pasture-raised eggs.


If you want to promote muscle development while eating good proteins, eat chicken, or other white meat. It not only helps with muscle development. They also maintain muscles and aid in muscle recovery. Also, chicken has excellent amino acid content, which helps with sports performance.


Fish should be a part of any healthy diet and eaten twice a week. Alternate between fish with healthy fats such as sardines or salmon and lean fish such as cod or Alaskan hake. Fatty fish such as salmon is rich in Omega 3, which can reduce fatigue and improve neuromuscular function and athletic performance. Quality matters when buying fish, so buy only from reliably sourced fish.

Adding in these foods can help ensure you eat healthier to improve your body’s potential and performance.