Making Self-Care Part Of A Holistic Lifestyle

If there was ever a time to practice self-care, these last few months are it. You don’t need an excuse, however, to practice self-care. It’s something we should all do regularly to prioritize our overall health.

Self-care habits are an integral part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle.


A Holistic Approach is Needed

If you want a healthy lifestyle, you’ll need to consider a holistic approach that includes caring for both mind and body. The importance of eating healthy and exercising get a lot of attention. Unfortunately, self-care sometimes gets far less regard, although it’s a significant component of our health. It can help you develop better body and mental health awareness, helping you maintain correct exercise and eating habits.


What is Self-Care?

Self-care is doing something good for body and mind. While it can look different for each person, it should address the body and mind. Sometimes, when you address one, you also help the other. For example, yoga can be very calming, yet it’s good exercise. Meditation isn’t a form of exercise, but it can be very calming and even healing. Breathing techniques can help both mind and body.


Customize Self-Care

Keep in mind that works for you might not work for someone else. You should find and practice whatever form of self-care works best for your body, mind, and schedule. You can do just one thing or several. You might choose something that’s pampering. For example, massage is considered a form of pampering, and, yet, it can be very healing for the body.


Sleep Matters

Any holistic approach to our health needs to include quality sleep. It’s as essential for the body as exercise. If you’re not getting a good night’s sleep, you’re not functioning at your best. Most of us need a minimum of seven to eight hours of good sleep. A good night’s rest is a form of self-care.


Try Something New

If you maintain a pretty rigorous fitness schedule, self-care might mean slowing it down one day a month or even a week. Taking a day off from your high-intensity fitness routine can be a form of self-care, and it doesn’t have to mean no exercise at all. Instead, try a nature walk, yoga class, or pilates class.


Make It a Habit

Self-care should be a habit, so try to make it a regular part of your life, along with exercise and healthy eating habits. If you need to, write it into your schedule, just like you would with workouts or other important events in your life.