Keto To Health

Keto To Health:
The Ketogenic nutrition plan is basically a low carb plan that gets your body to switch over from using glucose (carbs) for energy to fat for energy and burn off that stored fat on your body. ketosis. A metabolic state in which your body uses fat rather than glucose from carbohydrates as its primary source of energy. To achieve ketosis, you stop supplying your body with carbs and sugar. This depletes your stored glucose — also known as glycogen — and your blood sugar and insulin levels decrease. Your body starts to look for an alternate source of fuel (fat), releases it and burns it for energy. Fat equals 75%, Protein 20%,Carbs: 5%

Ketogenic is a diet that forces the body into a process called ketosis where fats are burned for energy instead of carbs (sugars).
As the person consumes high amounts of fat and low amounts of sugar it forces the body to burn fat from your fat storages for energy instead of sugar (carbohydrates)
This is the way our body has evolved eating. FEAST or FAMINE

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a form of exercise in which short periods of extremely demanding physical activity are alternated with less intense recovery periods.

  • The whole premise of high-intensity training is to kick up the intensity of your cardio
    To qualify as true HIIT workout, you’ll need to push yourself to the max during every set. Remember it’s short bursts!
    The interval is anywhere from 20 to 90 seconds.

Yoga is a stretching practice that has many benefits to your health. It also includes breath control, is relaxing and can easily add meditation at the end of your practice.

  • increased flexibility and balance.
  • increased muscle and core strength.
  • improved athletic performance.
  • protection from injury.

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