Your Fitness & Health Resource
Tips for Smarter Grocery Shopping
Tips for Smarter Grocery Shopping I recently wrote about the importance of well-planned meal preparation. Today, I want to discuss grocery shopping - not the most favorite or fun of topics. Still, consider it as a pathway to healthy eating. As you likely know,...
The Basics about Hydration Heading into Summer
The Basics about Hydration Heading into Summer Summer's coming. It's time to hydrate! As the weather warms up, you need to drink more water. If it were only that simple! There are a lot of things to know about how to hydrate safely. Let's start with two basic...
5 Healthy Pumpkin Recipes- And Cooking Websites!
5 Healthy Pumpkin Recipes- And Cooking Websites! It's pumpkin season - not just displayed on our front stoops, but in our foods as well! A member of the squash family, pumpkin is rich in vitamins and minerals. The entire pumpkin, when cooked, is edible,...
Is It Time To Throw Away Athletic Shoes & Bras?
Is It Time to Throw Away Athletic Shoes & Bras? Did you know your workout items - especially shoes and bras - have a shelf life? They can be the most significant (and important) investment after a gym membership or private trainer. You need to replace them...
How To Meet Fitness Goals The Second Half Of The Year
How To Meet Fitness Goals The Second Half Of The Year We're a little more than halfway through the year, so are you still on track to meet your fitness goals for the year? Here are some tips to keep you on course and make each day count for the second half of...
The Importance of Stretching As You Age
As we age, we lose flexibility - especially if we're not exercising. Staying in motion and flexible is key to a healthy, aging body. Stretching as you age is an essential part of any fitness equation because it keeps your muscles ready to move. If you're older than...
Why Peanut Butter Is The Best
Why Peanut Butter Is The Best One of the world’s most popular spreads! It tastes delicious It sticks to the roof of your mouth before it melts and tastes wonderful. Can eat it with lots of other foods What Is Peanut Butter? Peanut butter is mostly unprocessed food....
Why Gluts Matter
Why Gluts Matter What?The Gluteal muscles are crucial for daily function (i.e. standing from a seated position) Glutes stabilize the pelvis and keep the integrity of movement in the hip joint.Gluteus Minimus: Abducts & Rotates Hip (helps with hip...
Myth vs Fact of Drinking Water
Myth vs Fact of Drinking Water 1) Coffee, tea and soft drink are sufficient sources of liquid Coffee, tea and all those different kinds of soft drink are no substitute for lots of lovely pure water. While there’s an ongoing debate about whether or not caffeine...
Post Morning Workouts
Post Morning Workouts The best time to work out is whenever it's best for you and your schedule. However having said that, there are a lot great reasons - with some science to back it up - for working out in the morning. Here are five important reasons why you should...
Are you over dieting and the drama that goes along with it?
Join others are over it as well by signing up for Kellys Online Virtual App today! Completely customzied for your fitness needs!
Why Kelly Fitness?
Being a season Fitness Coach I started my career in the (90’s). The days when low fat and high carbs were all the rage…oh and lots of cardio. With new research available to us now, we know that this is just not the way our bodies were meant to be fueled and workout for optimal health. Watch the video below to learn more!
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